Online Ticket Sales for the Norman Music Festival's 2017 Monster Smashed Fall Pub Crawl
Friday, October 13th in Downtown Norman in conjunction with the 2nd Friday Art Walk
To buy your $10 ticket, please enter preferred shirt size/sizes and click the button below.
To buy more than one ticket, just edit the number in your shopping cart when checking out.
You will pick up your ticket at Opolis on the day of the event between 6 and 9pm.
After you complete the crawl, you can pick up your shirt back at Opolis.
Participating bars (so far) include:
Scratch Kitchen & Cocktails, 132 W. Main St.
McNellie's Abner Ale House, 121 E. Main St.
Bison Witches, 211 E. Main St.
The Garage, 307 E. Main St.
Red Brick Bar, 311 E. Main St.
Opolis, 113 N. Crawford Ave.
More details as they may emerge!